The festive day is soon approaching and we want to wish you the biggest Merry Christmas from the Missy Empire squad. Whether you're looking forward to spending the day with your family, friends or other half, we've gathered together some oh-so-familiar scenarios we find ourselves in at Christmas. Here goes...
We're dreaming of a White Christmas...
Every Christmas, we all anticipate a sheet of white crisp snow waiting for us when we open the curtains, practice our snow angel technique ahead of the day and think of all the cute Instagram content we could get. BUT, the weather always meets us with rain – what are we going to post on our social media?!
Burning Christmas dinner
Is it Christmas without your mum burning at least one item of the Christmas dinner and blaming it on somebody else for distracting her? NOPE!
That dreaded awkward gift...
We all know this one, that awkward moment when you open a present from your Auntie who you see once a year and the gift is well, not great! So you pretend like you love it, when really you're thinking it will be going on eBay in the New Year!
The serial snorer...
Christmas Day just isn't the same if your Dad doesn't fall asleep during the evening Christmas film when you're meant to be spending time together as a family. Zero to chucking the tinned chocolates over him, real quick...
Missy Empire